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Value added By-Products

Edible Oils

Rice bran can be converted into health food products. Rice bran is also a good source of edible / industrial oil with an oil content anywhere between 16% to 25%. In less than 6 hours, rice bran passes through the conveyers to produce the crude form of rice bran oil. This oil is then sent to the refinery where crystal clear edible oil is manufactured. Rice bran oil is considered to be the best oil for heart, having fat reduction qualities.


Paddy husk can be used in the boiler as fuel. Also, rice husk ash is a good source of silica, which can be used for the manufacture of sodium silicate and silica gel. Rice husk is a source of raw material for the manufacture of furfural and allied chemicals.


We, at PAFPL produce non-conventional power from on fire husk. We look into in generating and meeting our own power requirements through rice by-products and supplying the rest to APSEB (Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board).

Cattle feed

Soluble rice bran sold as an animal feed ingredient. Besides by-products such as rice bran oil, furfural, power and cattle feed, Fish Feed, at PAFPL, we also produce pulses, sugar, palm oil, sunflower oil.

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